About Me

Epiphanybytiffney.com is created from the vision of me! A young aspiring model,named Tiffney Sullivan. I created the blog as an outlet, but overtime it has become a passion. All of my opinions are expressed from my view of the world, and the entertainment industry. I have worked for countless blogs and media outlets, and the most noted was IndieStreet Magazine. I love fashion,music,and literature; eventually, I created a blog that reflected all of these things.This blog also represents my transition as a women who is finding herself in this world. From nothing to something,and as an intern to her own boss. I consider everyday a great day to chase my dreams, and my moto is " When you dream, dream big! Don't be afraid to dream in color there is'nt any room for black and white."....so come follow me on my journey to my "epiphany"! Make sure you don't miss it!

"I just had an Epiphney...Welcome to my World!"

"I just had an Epiphney...Welcome to my World!"
I dream big and I dream in color!

Epiphney's Vixen Roll Call

Epiphney's Vixen Roll Call
This young lady claims to be a Kim Kardashian look alike, but its a nice picture

Fashionista of The Week

Fashionista of The Week
The newly engaged Amarie! She was spotted at an event this weekend and she looks wonderful!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Battle of our Lives!

Recently my mom and I were talking about our health. Now, my mom was recently diagnosed with early stages of (arthrosclerosis) or as most people know it as hardening of the arteries. This is a serious condition, and she informed me of how she planned to change her lifestyle and eating habits. I realized at that moment that I had to shed some of this excess weight too, my problem is that my weight goes up and down, and it never stays the same. So it is time for a lifestyle change. Dr. Ian has some tips for seeking a healthy lifestyle change.
Dr. Ian K. Smith:

Cut your portions in half. When you go out to a restaurant, the first thing you should do is divide the food in half and ask for it to be boxed up so you can take it home.

Add color to your diet. Avoid the white rice, pasta, potatoes and bread. Instead, choose brown rice, whole-wheat pasta, sweet potatoes and whole-grain bread. And don't forget the colorful fruits and vegetables.

Control your food environment. Keeping healthy snacks, like carrots, yogurt and almonds, on hand is the best way to prevent hunger between meals and stop you from reaching for a bag of chips or candy bar.

Eat four small meals a day. This will keep your hormone levels from spiking and prevent the excessive hunger between meals that often leads to binging on high-calorie foods.

Eat like a king for breakfast, a prince for lunch and a pauper for dinner. Eating your heavier meals earlier in the day will give you more time to burn off the calories the rest of the day.

lets whip into shape...I started this week...and I will follow up with my viewers every week as I embark on the journey to loose twenty pounds....be apart of the epiphney challenge..email me at tippez90@yahoo.com

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